Letch's tinking

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Tink i was rigt

Well two years have nearly passed and it does appear that it was a fad.

I have had comments on my 'Now seriously' sporadically and have enjoyed them, so maybe I should continue, once every two years?

We'll see and still mysteriously there are no aitches in the title...

Da Letch

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Ickle Letch Posted by Hello

Monday, December 20, 2004

Now seriously

I wonder whether this will be another online fad for me.

I expect so, I enjoy new things, whilst they are new. To misquote Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes and not any deceased clergy) we live in a waste and want society, as soon as you get what you have been after, then you want something else!

How long is probably the real question.

Fairly certain that this fad will fade, it is made to be mad.

How much of technology is used to invert it's own definition?

Technology = something that helps you do a job.

Many a time I use technology to avoid doing a job!

I presume to be the only person to read this, but have published worldwide. I expect no interest from others in my thoughts, yet need to find out. Could anything I type help anyone else?

Intriguing, maybe this fad will last longer than tonight.

We'll see

The Letch

Tinking and tougts

Wat no aitches?